Thursday, 25 June 2009


cars on the yard next to the studio

I had a first meeting with my mentor today in the studio and it went really good I think! We talked about my upcoming show (in January, approaching very fast..) and also a bit about my final exam work next spring. Phew, so much to do!

I haven't showed you much of my work and I even don't have a website/portfolio (coming hopefully soon). A lot of other things have been going on this year!
But I promise you and myself that I'll start producing more art and show it more often on the blog:)


Hanna Åberg said...

ska bli kul att se! lycka till med allt :)

Lisen said...

ja, vad roligt det ska bli att se lite...!

tycker nya ateljen ser finfin ut! :D

stressa inte!

Veja cecilia said...

härlig ljus! skönt att ha mål at sträva efter:)