It was a sunny morning and I decided to go for a walk. Then of course the sun disappeared when I went out. But exploring the nature and surroundings nearby town can be interesting anyway.
I also met my sister who's in town for a few weeks:)
Later I got Dumpling cravings and made some. Feels like a good end of the week.
But sometimes a good day can't be perfect,
and it's very sad and scary that a extreme right xenophobic party got many votes so far in the elections going on right now here in Finland. Makes me so upset..
Very beautiful photos. The dumplings look so delicious!
Fina bilder :)
Valet blir som det blir, huvudsaken att man själv röstat och försökt påverka i alla fall :)
mycket trevligt att kolla på när du kockade duktigt, jag gillar ju matprogram ;)
jag var ut och gick exakt på samma ställe som er, ser jag!
usch, jag hörde just hur det gått i finland. fy farao.
gör något fint av denna kväll hemma hos er!
sorgligt det som händer i Finland (och nu senast här i Sverige)...med mitt finska ursprung så gör det extra ont i hjärtat.
fantastiskt vackra bilder, där vill även jag vara och promenera!
really good photos. you make simple photos look amazing, seriously. :)
That poor but colourful tree looks splendid. What peculiar markings... do you think the neighbouring trees are envious?
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