Very rare that I'm posting twice a day, but here it goes!
It's been a rainy Sunday...YES it's raining and it's very grey but that doesn't matter. The important thing is that the snow is melting and it's getting warmer.
I was a while at my dads place, ate mozzarella salad and said hello to lazy Sune.
He's missing old Salami. The first days without her he walked around the house and meowed. Like he was looking for her:(
One of my cats had the same, when his brother died. He's fine now though. It was very sad to see.
It's fun to see how you still have snow. We had 3 weeks of snow and now it looks like it hasn't snowed for years.
I love that plate, by the way.
Stackars Sune! :(
Fina bilder, speciellt Sune, fastän han ser lite slö ut :)
Tror nog han förstår att Salami var gammal och sjuk, han är trots allt en klok katt!
här regnar det också, men det tar ju bort snön!
nej vad hemskt att han gick runt och ropade, katter är så kloka...!
Poor lazy Sune. How heartbreaking.
my cat died a month ago too and I miss her everyday.
Your other cat is so beautiful.
Poor ol' beautiful Sune... but such a sweet photo.
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