Thursday 5 February 2009

Fleamarket flamingo

----Flat searching update----

Yesterday we went to look at a house(!) for sale next to the harbour. Or more exactly, it was almost ON the harbour, not very nice.
Too bad, because it was quite cheap and very beautiful. An old customs house. It just felt very misplaced there next to the industrial buildings and big ships.

We have to keep on searching..

Now I'm eating yellow soup in front of my computer...I should learn to not eat when I'm at the computer. I'm not a messy eater, but still.

It's been snowing like mad the whole day..and I don't want more snow!


Anonymous said...

fina flamingos!

heja på med bostadsletandet, ni kommer hitta nåt gyllene snart tror jag!

Anonymous said...

oh i think a house on the harbour sounds almost perfect! -but i do see how it could feel a bit lonely and maybe even scary.. but wow. i just love harbour areas! -speaking of houses i just found this house: -i would move in tonight if i could!

Anonymous said...

ett hus vid hamnen, hm... det lät mysko. Hoppas ni hittar en lägenhet snart! Det är nog skönt att slippa snö, här i danmark så finns det ingen snö alls. :P

Fine Little Day said...

Flamingotröja, ååh!

Stine Marie said...

Fantastiske flamingoer!! Er det er genser?

Anonymous said...

lisen, jo;) ååå jag hoppas det! men hittade kanske men bara kanske en lgh igår,,vi vet mer imorgon.

mette, yes It does! but that house we found was just too lonely..but it sure would have been pretty cool to live there!

what a lovely house you found! looks a bit lonely too but in a nicer way :)

rosanna, nu just är det SÅ mycket snö här! lyckliga du :)

fine little day, :) jo den var ett bra fynd!

stine, ja den är en stickad tröja:) ganska stor med fin!