Here are some pictures from the weekend in Helsinki!
We had so much fun, went out on Friday with friends + watched my boyfriend Rasmus gig (the gig was actually the reason why we went to Helsinki). Some shopping and hang around on Saturday and then a cosy breakfast in a little cottage-café and museum visit on Sunday before we took the train back home.
The time flew, now it's already a new week!
those three in the middle are wonderfully dreamy!
looks like fun, the sense of motion, time..., it gets faster then smiles!
so nice! WHAT is the SWEATER in the SECOND TO LAST photo?? I think its one D have been wanting but did not know where its from?
ah sounds absolutely perfect! time does fly fast.
Mette, the knitted sweater is from H&M! grey and with a pattern of some coloured pens (I think it's pens) Rasmus bought it this weekend so I guess it's kind of new, go get it for D:))
Ser ut som en underbar helg med massa kul! Fina gula porträtt på slutet! Gillar också tröjan, kan det va samma jag såg på en annan sida..men pennor...jag ÄLSKARN. H&M sa du?? Herr? Ah, måtte den finnas i XS!
är det en sånhära. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6UzdmF8O-Oo/SPN7r8ysAiI/AAAAAAAAJBs/tRkpM9fYFyc/s1600-h/IMG_3225.jpg
?? :D
looks like fun! I actually interview one from the rasmus once for the collage radio, he seems a bit boring but I hope the show was better!
it looks like you had fun!
I like that last photo with the yellow background and that stance... :)
lisen, JO en sån är det!! :D supersnygg! Från herravdelningen. Hoppas den finns i XS;))
mothersvea, no, no, no it's not the band the rasmus, I don't like that band at all:D
my boyfriends name is Rasmus and it was his gig! :))
esti, thank you:) the picture is from olafur eliassons installation at the kiasma museum.
gött! my man Gustav fyller snart o det vore ju en bra present...eller så vill jag ha en själv. haha
Så himla perfekt att du hade den på din blogg också, för jag fann den där bilden häromdagen o tänkte FAN va fin tröja, säkert assvår o få tag i...men så fanns den ju på HM asså!? Super! :D
lisen, va bra då, den skulle ju va perfekt som present:)
jo jag blev själv ganska förvånad, ser inte riktigt ut som en från h&m. BILLIG va den dessutom:) lycka till med köpet/n!
wow! i just remembered that i asked you about the sweater! and good thing i did! It was excatly the one i thought i was! I will definitely try and surprise D with it if i can find it! how perfect!
I'm wearing the sweater right now. Thank you Mette and your accomplices! Lisen: You ought to buy the sweater for Gustav - it could be a "men of bloggers"shirt. One in Finland, one in Denmark and one in Sweden.
mette and d, COOL! That's so great;))
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