I got this yellow coat from my grandmother a few years ago. She wore it in the 60's or 70's but still looks like new, it's only missing one button. I never used it though I think it's very cute..maybe it's time to wear it now. Or will I look like a chicken? :)
The second picture is today's breakfast. Crispbread, fried egg with basil, tea.
nej, inte kommer du att se ut som en kyckling!!! du kommer att se super stylish ut och vad kul att den har hängt med i alla år... och vilken god frukost :)
No, I don't think you will look like a chicken either. Maybe you could combine the jacket with some nice purple or petrol accessories, I can just imagine how nice it would look. Please show a picture, if you decide to wear it. The other picture makes me crave for fried eggs.
I don't think you will look like a chicken, the jacket looks super nice! I really like colourful jackets, I have a turqoise one on today :)
nä, int kommer du att se ut som en kyckling! lika mycket som jag ser ut som mossa i min kappa :) ps. kort är påväg! kram
I think the jackets great, you should give it a try, I'm sure you won't look like a chicken. Your breakfast looks good too, it looks very yummy.
jag tycker nog att du ska använda jackan! Ingen annan i stan har ju en likadan, dessutom! :)
jag gillar den skarpt! (hur har du fatt agget sa runt?)
yum, i wish i ate that for breakfast this morning!
Thank you all for your comments, I will wear the coat tomorrow then:)
emma, ojj! ser fram emot kortet:) kram!
mothersvea, jag stekte ägget i en liten stekpanna:)
piip-piip-and piip piip yeah!
piip-piip-and piip piip yeah!
Hmmm, your breakfast looks delicious!
Also, just to add my two cents. I too do not think you will look like a chicken. I'm sure you will look most chic :)
If the jacket fits you and the colour suits you, then why not wear it? It's very unique!
(Your breakfast looks very good, but I couldn't eat it early in the morning... For lunch though, yum!)
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