I made "mockarutor"(chocolate coconut cake) this weekend but didn't have any coconut so I made with sprinkles instead. Good:)
I just came home from a meeting with the platform people. We're all going to the Istanbul Biennial next Wednesday.
We're going to work on our own project there during the first days after the opening but also see the whole Biennial. Exciting, exciting!
Summer 2006 we all went to the 52nd Venice Biennale and worked as "assistants" to Huseyin Alptekin who was representing Turkey at the Biennial. We stayed there 3 weeks and it was hard work but AMAZING!
sounds so exiting! and looks so delicious!
mmm, smarrigt! och vad spännande det låter med istanbul!
Yesss, sounds VERY exciting :)
I could eat some of that cake right now njamnjam!
This all sounds wonderfully exciting, and your cake looks delicious. I think sprinkles are much better than coconut.
åh men gud vad kul att åka till istanbul, ha jättekul och ät gott!
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