Monday 24 August 2009


Again a long has become a bad habit!!
Hope your weekend was good. We had a garden party with all our neighbours on Saturday and it was so much fun:) I think that's an advantage, to live in a small house and get to know your neighbours. Well, I know that it can be bad too but luckily in our case it's great because we all get along so well.

Today I was off from work (always on Mondays) and I had breakfast in town with my friend, walked around and she bought carrots from the market and I bought coconutoil.


at swim-two-birds said...

love the pic with the coconutoil, i used to cook with this oil for some time and then i stopped, don't remember why :-)

Veja cecilia said...

härligt med grannaämja. Våra grannar är väldigt anonyma och det tycker jag är synd:(

Lisen said...

vad har man coconutoil till?? äter man det eller smörjer man in sej i det på stranden? :D Har aldrig köpt.