Today I had lunch with a friend. I think I've never ate a salad with that many ingredients before! But it was good.
Now I'm going to spend the rest of the day in my studio!
Maybe I feel like watching a movie tonight..I don't know. What do you think is best to do on a Monday evening??
Nicolas Burrows is new to me, very cute illustrations!
wow, that salad looks REALLY good! & what to do monday night?...i would make veggie pizza from scratch with a loved one & then pop in a movie to watch together while you eat:]
Is that coffee or hot chocolate?
lina, that sounds great! almost how we did too! we didn't make pizza but saffron potatoes with veggiebeaf and spinachsalad and then we watched a movie while we ate:)
morgan, it is coffee. I know it's a weird mix, coffee + salad :)
salaattia ja keskusteluja ystävän kanssa!- käy minä iltana tahansa :)
trevligt det ser ut.
Vi måste också luncha tillsammans innan jag far!
Oh a movie for sure... or maybe a good book depending on your mood.
where do you get that good looking salad?
läste Salladsberg som ett ortsnamn.
Som Sabbatsberg, haha..
I decided to watch a movie.. North by Northwest (an old Hitchcock)
That salad looks very yummie by the way! I ate spaghetti.. it was a perfect evening :p
ritva, oh yes! I could do it every day:)
rosanna, absolut! vi kanske kan ta det i helgen eller nästa vecka?!
louise, yes, that is perfect. I should read more in the evenings to get more relaxed.
LN, in Kaffehuset August, Vasa
lisen, hahaha:) Sabbatsberg!
fairyfaye, haven't seen that movie, is it good? spaghetti is always a favourite!
hmm, the salad looks delicious. i think monday nights are good movie nights. i hope you had a nice time whatever you did, maria :)
A day in the studio after such a feast... surely only good things can come from such a happy pairing. Happy working, g
Nu har det ju gått en hel vecka och det är fredag och du vet kanske redan vad du ska göra...själv ska jag se filmen Mammut på bio och det ser jag fram emot. Haresåbra:)
salad looks great! i love nicolas burrows illustrations! thanks for reminding me
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