Sunday, 7 August 2011


My own carrots.


Becca said...

they look so quaint! i wish i could grow my own vegetable garden but alas, my apartment balcony lacks the room. there's just something so rewarding about eating what you've grown from the ground!

Anonymous said...

Jam! Näyttävät herkullisilta!


mette/ungt blod said...

oh how i long for my own vegetable garden! just planted four different herbs in my window sill. hope i can keep them alive.

Cara Edwards said...

oh yum, homegrown is the ultimate! these look delicious.

Anonymous said...

post something new, please!!! this blog is on my list of favourites, and this is the first time i comment here... love your pics and your way of life, very inspiring!!
ceci from argentina

Jasmine Mirra said...

They look delicious...
I can't wait to have my own garden!