Now I'm going to ask this little question like so many other bloggers did.
I'm so curious on who's reading my blog! Even if this would be the first time you're here and not blogging yourself, I would be happy if you just left a quick comment:)
So PLEASE live a comment and say who you are and where you're from, it's of course ok if you just want to say a "hi" and nothing else too!
Hi Maria! you stole my idea! or maybe you just did it before i got around to! its such a nice thought to say hello to everyone stopping by! hope people are into it!
jag läser såklart :) oftast från göteborg, svezia.
Hallå eller /göteborg
hello mette 1st one:) I hope that people are into it too..! do yours too, I promise to say hi!
well you know me already innit, but I'm saying hello never the less! I really enjoy popping over your way, nice bullfest you guys had yesterday by the way!
hej på er oxå sandra, hanna och famapa!!
Hello! I don't know how I came about your blog but I check it while I'm at work (as a fact checker for a magazine )in New York City when I should be working. Love the blog very much, Mary Beth
Hej! jag är också här titt som tätt. Från götet!
Jag läser såklart! Man måste ju uppdatera sig! ;-)
hey i'm sarah from visual influence...i am also starting a gallery for art and handmade goods: http://www.theeclipsegallery.com
i have you on my blogroll and love visiting your blog :)
im reading it.. everyday.. while im at home at night surfing the net. im from holland by the way ;)
hello there :)
Hej Maria! I'm from a small town in Quebec, Canada, land of cold and snow... I really enjoy the little moments you share with us!
Hello from Helsinki, again :) I'm thinking I will do this too some day, can't believe I never asked who's visiting.
Hi! Love your blog, been a silent fan for over a year and I split my time between London and Norway. Have my own blog too in which I list your blog amongst my favourites!
Hi, Maria! I'm not quite sure how I happened on to your blog, either, but I get it my my feed-reader so I can keep up with your wonderful pictures. They're always very fresh and inspiring.
i think i found you through a link on another blog i look at, but i cannot recall which one.
i usually just lurk and read, without really commenting anywhere. but since you asked, i am answering!
my name is phoebe. i live in cleveland, ohio, usa.
i enjoy your photos a lot. they are very sweet and inspiring!
much love to you.
xxo, pm
Hello! I like your blog- very pretty :)
Hello! I'm reading in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm so bad about reading blogs and never commenting!
Stockholmsk non blogger läser o tycker om.
Hello, Il live in France in Paris. My name is Pauline, I'm 32 and I love your blog !!
Hi! I'm Maya - Sofia, Bulgaria.
I like your blog. Found it by chance - as a link from another one!
A little hello from Spain!
Uppsala här:)
Hi Maria... i wonder who reads my blog, too. I'd love to know.
Hi! from Melbourne, Australia.
Hejonfejon från Smålandet!
hej hej från svea rike och den lilla metropolen tidaholm!
Hello! I am Hanne from Oslo, Norway. I like your blog. :-)
Din blogg ar sa fin! den laser jag ofta och just nu lases den fran Italien!
Hello! Such a cute picture :)
I stop by your blog every once in a while - it's lovely!
You're in my 'check daily' list! :)
hi, maria! I have bookmarked your blog and check on it regularly. I really enjoy your little everyday peeks into your life .. my name is luise and I am an actress from berlin, germany. unfortunately, I don't have a blog, but you can check my flickr if you like: http://www.flickr.com/photos/allerleirau/ p.s. I really love your header, it's so wispy :)
Hi from Denmark.
Your blog is on my blogroll, and I check it out every time it's updated. :)
Thanks for sharing your moments.
hello, hi, hei!
suomesta ;)
Yello! I live in San Francisco and I like to look at your pictures of everyday meals :). I like your blog because it is real stuff not always cutesy perfection (that stuff is boring to me).
hello! i am from the Netherlands
Hej från norra Finland! Din blogg är bland mina favoriter. Ha det bra!
Hei! Luin yhdestä postauksestasi, että vaikket puhukaan suomea kovin hyvin, ymmärrät kieltä kuitenkin? Pidän kovasti blogistasi, sekä tyylistäsi kuvata ja katsoa maailmaa! Olen tyttö hieman etelämpää Suomesta, Espoosta nimittäin.
hello from France (Rennes, Britanny).
Hej hej! Emma från emmas designblogg här! Har läst din blogg läänge nu.
Hello Maria :) I'm visiting from Perth, Australia.
hi, i'm esperanza from argentina, and i really like your blog!
jag hittade in till dig från en kommentar som du lämnat hos a spoonful of mint :)
hit in kommer jag gärna fler gånger :D
gillar pez-figurerna på bilden, själv har jag en hel samling med pez zom står på min bokhylla och inspirerar mig.
ha en bra dag!
hi, this is my first visit to your blog (i found it through another blog). i plan on visiting often! i am in southern california.
Hi!I'm from Tokyo,Japan.Love your blog.
art student in the French Alps here. I've been RSSing your blog for a while, I can't really remember how I got here :D
Hello from Ann Arbor, MI! :)
hi from south florida
your blog is lovely :)
Well you know I am a reader too :)
Hello Maria!
I like your blog a lot - Andrea from Prague
heej, jå, jag läser ju också
hej maria! så många som läser din blogg :) jag tycker om dina bilder:)
hei hello hallå:) löysin juuri upean blogisi! enkä tiedä kirjoittaako suomeksi, in english oder på svenska?
minä olen Helsingistä hei:)
Hallå HEJ! Här kommer jag in helt svettig o flåsig helt förSENT genom dörren o ba URSCHECKTA! Men JAG också! Sweden, Ostergotland, we give you 12 points!
Hi - i really like the athmosphere in your photos. came across your blog from mette's and got hooked : )
Hi! I live in Brisbane, Australia. My name is Josie, I'm 15 and I love reading your blog. :D
Hey hey, jag läser din blogg, eller, jag läste den idag iallafall, men det verkar bra, så jag kommer nog tillbaka.
Från Stenhamra, innanför Stockolm.
Hi Maria!
I'm Rowena from Rotterdam, and I'm sending you hugs from Holland!
I'm late - I was busy and not watching other blogs!
But I'm in France (center / south west), and am always curious and happy to look at what you're sharing here!
Merry christmas, and happy new year!
hello there, got your link from another blog that i am following (forget which one though) and has been reading since many months ago (lost track of timing!) i'm a freelance art director, always curious & interested in finding out what's happening in other parts of the world :-)
...and cheers from Switzerland
I found your blog through a link on Sandra's one.
I have a blog (ailloli.blogspot.com) but don't ever publish anything...
Finally, I'm from the french part of Switzerland and don't speak English very well.
Hi,i from argentina,but now live in israel (a town in north israel)
i love your blog.
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